Merton Park Primary School

School Priorities 24-25

At Merton Park Primary, we have a number of key priorities taken from our School Development Plan.

These are shared with the whole school community, with the School Council, all children, Governors, parents and staff working together in order to achieve them. 

Priorities are linked to the school's vision:

Our vision: A school where everyone can flourish.

The vision for our pupils is to create:

Successful Learners:

  • who enjoy learning and have the knowledge to make progress and achieve

Confident Individuals:

  • who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives

Responsible Citizens:

  • who respect their rights and the rights of others (equality); the identity, language and values of countries & cultures (including their own) and respect the natural environment.
  • who make a positive contribution to society and believe in global responsibility.

The theme for this is year is ‘Music is a defining element of character’ Plato

The 4 priorities are:

Priority 1

Enhance our children’s Personal Development including RRS and through the development of character

Priority 2

Refine our music curriculum

Priority 3

Continue to embed the our approach to the teaching of writing (including opportunities for poetry)

Priority 4

Continue to refine our inclusive teaching strategies across the school

Priorities poster 2024-2025