Merton Park Primary School






All children are encouraged to take pride in their appearance and to gain a sense of identity and belonging by wearing our school uniform. 

Our school uniform for Years 1-6 is:

  • Blue school jumper or cardigan, with school logo* - required
  • White shirt or polo shirt - required. Does not need to be branded.
  • Plain black school shoes/trainers (no sandals/open toes/ankle boots) - required
  • Boots or wellingtons may be worn to school but children should change into shoes when they arrive in school.
  • Grey tailored trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore - required
  • Pale blue and white dress (in summer)- optional
  • Grey, black or white socks or tights - required
  • Warm and/or waterproof coat (sweatshirts, hooded tops or sports tops are not to be worn in place of a coat in the winter)
  • Book bag in Nursery, Reception & KS1* - required

Our school uniform for Reception is:

  • Blue school jumper or cardigan, with school logo* - required
  • White shirt or polo shirt - required. Does not need to be branded.
  • Black or Grey tracksuit bottoms  - required. Shorts and dresses can be worn in the summer term.
  • Plain black school shoes/trainers (no sandals/open toes/ankle boots) - required. We ask that children wear shoes without laces in our EYFS.
  • Boots or wellingtons may be worn to school but children should change into shoes when they arrive in school.
  • Grey, black or white socks- required
  • Warm and/or waterproof coat (sweatshirts, hooded tops or sports tops are not to be worn in place of a coat in the winter)

School uniform is optional in our Nursery class. Book Bags are required.

P.E. kit (whole school):

  • Royal blue shorts - required
  • Yellow school uniform t-shirt* - required. Must be branded
  • Plimsolls or trainers 
  • Dark blue/black/grey tracksuit bottoms/skins and dark blue/black/grey sweatshirt/hoodie during winter months (optional) Hoodies are not permitted in Reception.  

School uniform is optional in our Nursery class. Book Bags are required.

Merton Park School Uniform policy

*      Items marked with an asterix are available from the online uniform shop:       

 You can also look at our PTA second-hand uniform shop by clicking here

Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly named.  This ensures that lost property can be returned to pupils quickly. 


Children may wear one pair of small stud earrings to school, but these must be removed or taped-up during PE lessons.  No other jewellery is permitted at school.

Nail varnish & make-up

Children should not wear nail varnish, false nails or nail decorations at school. It is not permitted for pupils to wear any make-up at school and lip salve (if required) should be clear.