Merton Park Primary School

Wrap around care

Every day after school, from 3.30 until 6pm, we provide after school care for children from Nursery up to Yr 6.  Our Base Club is for children in Yrs 3 - 6 and Base Club Beginners is for children from Nursery - Yr 2. There are spaces for 44 children in our after school provision.

The session starts off with a light healthy snack such as beans on toast, homemade wraps or cheese toasties. Fresh fruit is always available for the children.

Each day has a different main activity (eg ICT, outdoor games, crafts etc) and occasionally special events are organised, such as Film Night.

Prices are available from the school office on 020 8542 7128 or by email at Tax free childcare & Child care vouchers are accepted.

Breakfast club policy

After-School club policy


We also have a Breakfast Club that runs from 7.45 am until 8.45 am, for children from Nursery to Yr 6. Children have the choice of cereal or toast and play games with their friends in our friendly and welcoming club.  There are spaces for 26 children in our Breakfast Club. Parents can contact the school at the phone number or email address above to make an enquiry.

Pupils need to be registered with The Base Clubs & the Breakfast Club and places must be booked and paid for termly in advance, through the school office. Termly, a booking request form will be sent out to the whole school for parents to apply for places.