Merton Park Primary School


Merton Park School Curriculum 

We aim to deliver an outstanding curriculum that is:

  • fun, enjoyable and memorable
  • is underpinned by our vision, values and mission
  • develops the whole child
  • is broad and balanced
  • is knowledge-rich
  • has clear progression in subject knowledge and skills
  • is supported by wonderful fiction and non-fiction texts
  • offers purposeful experiences
  • is flexible and responsive to needs and interests
  • uses environments beyond the classroom
  • makes strong cross curricular links and
  • has a local, national and international dimension.

Our curriculum has been designed using the following principles:

Our curriculum has three main aims:

  • Enabling children to know and do – building from a strong focus on knowledge acquisition, including cultural capital, teaching and learning prepares children appropriately for the next stage in their life.
  • Enabling children to question, reason and discuss – children are able to form opinions of their own; search and find out more; puzzle over ideas that might seem difficult to grasp or understand; 
  • Enabling children to create, communicate and share their ideas and knowledge - regardless of their starting point, children become confident to share what they know and can do, preparing them to make a valuable contribution to society. 

At Merton Park Primary School, some of the different National Curriculum subjects are taught through topics and these are linked to a specific fiction or non-fiction text. However, not all subjects can be linked to an over-arching topic and some subjects are taught discretely – this is particularly the case with maths, PE, RE, computing and science.

Click here to see a Parents' Guide to the National Curriculum:

A curriculum overview and information for each year group can be found under the specific year group tabs.

For more information about our subjects, please click on the buttons below. 

Please note that we are currently updating all of the curriculum pages and so some subjects may contain more detailed information than others. If you have any further questions or require further information, please contact our curriculum lead, Mr A Knox via the school office. 


Curriculum-Gallery (ID 1006)








  • Art & Design
  • Computing
  • Design & Technology
  • English
  • French
  • Geography
  • History
  • Maths
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • RHSE
  • Religious Education
  • Science









Key features of our formative assessment approach:

  • The curriculum is the progression model. Our curriculum has been designed to be coherent and progressive. Therefore progress is keeping up with the curriculum. Teachers achieve this through filling gaps, deepening understanding and overcoming barriers. 
  • Checking for understanding during lessons, so that teachers can adapt their teaching on the spot to clarify and address misconceptions. This involves the use of Show me boards to check everyone’s thinking; Cold calling to explore a sample of responses in depth and Think, Pair, Share (or Write, Pair, Share) so everyone can explore their ideas. 
  • Checking for understanding after lessons, through looking at pupils’ work, in order to plan subsequent lessons to meet pupil needs. This could involve assessing children’s work, exit tickets (e.g. Two things) and multiple choice questions at the end of lessons. As a result of these assessments, whole class or individual feedback may need to be given. 
  • End of unit assessments which assess key learning and knowledge in the subject. This will involve a short unit test which will identify what children have understood and remembered. If teachers discover gaps, these can be addressed before moving on to the next unit of work. This might also reveal what might need to be improved the next time this unit is taught. In some subjects such as computing and DT, the end of unit outcome will be assessed to ensure that children have met the intended learning e.g. in Y6 when children make a website in computing. 
  • At the end of the year, children are assessed in each subject area as either not meeting year group expectations or meeting year group expectations. Some children may be assessed as exceeding year group expectations. Progress is defined as remaining in meeting expectations or exceeding expectations.

Our curriculum is quality assured by the Senior Leadership team using the following approaches:

  • Learning walks and learning observations to quality assure the teaching and learning and behaviour
  • Book looks to quality assure the implementation of the curriculum and teacher’s expectations
  • Pupil Book study is used to assess how well children can recall the intended learning; what links they can make between learning; how well their teachers help them with their learning and to assess their attitudes to subjects. These are also useful to ensure fidelity to the intended knowledge/learning sequence.

These quality assurance activities feed into a progressive programme of CPD to target particular development needs. 

We are a Rights Respecting School and believe that, 'Every child has the right to an education. Primary education must be free and different forms of secondary education must be available to every child.  Discipline in schools must respect children's dignity and their rights. Richer countries must help poorer countries achieve this.'  (Article 28 of UN Convention on the rights of the child)

We also believe that, 'Education must develop every child's personality, talents and abilities to the full.   It must encourage the child's respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures and the environment.'  (Article 29 of UN Convention on the rights of the child)