Contact us
If you have any enquiries, please contact a member of our office staff at:
Merton Park Primary School
Church Lane
SW19 3HQ
Tel: 0208 542 7128
(Office hours 8.30am - 4.30pm)
Office Staff
These are the people most likely to answer your call:
Mrs Olivia Tripp
Admin and Attendance Officer
Mrs Anita Hersey
Finance & Admin Assistant and Breakfast & After School club Administrator
Mrs Nicola Canning
Admin Assistant
The school does not have a car park, but there is plenty of metered parking available on Erridge Road. We encourage our pupils, parents and staff to use alternative methods of transport and there is ample covered parking for bicycles and scooters.
Please note that Merton Park Primary is part of the Merton's 'School Streets' scheme and cars cannot drive along the roads close to our school between 8.30 - 9.15 am and 3.00 - 3.45pm. The roads that are affected are Erridge Road (from Poplar Road to the end of Stratton Road), Keswick Avenue and Church Lane.